Saturday, October 3, 2020

BOOK REVIEW [Intermittent Fasting For Women: Guidance And Meal Plans To Reset Your Metabolism And Lose Weight By Lori Russell]

This is a practical and useful book. Intermittent Fasting for Women is one of those little books that can make a big difference for women who want easy to apply information on intermittent fasting. The topics and the layout are arranged well and easy to follow; Fasting vs. starving, Myths about fasting, The nutritional needs of women, and The health benefits of fasting.

The author includes good fasting schedules graphics and helpful menu suggestions for each of the fasting plans. There are a few recipes included and the two that intrigued my interest to try were the just – spicy – enough citrus energizer. It was surprisingly very delicious considering it is made with grapefruir juice. The second recipe was a delightful surprise. The Moringa Person includes one of my favourite superfoods. Moringa olefera is one of the most nutrient-packed supplements available in all the tropical regions of the world. This warm soothing drink is excellent as morning starter. Now, the recipe calls for tablespoon of moringa powder. However, a teaspoon is a really all the average person needs as a daily intake of this potent nutritional supplement.

In the tips and best practices, the author says everything right; like, drink lots of water, don’t rearrange social plans, and how to quite stomach growls. I think that women looking for a good start in understanding and applying intermittent fasting to their eating life style will find this gentle encouragement just right. Good job, Lori Russell.

My rating for this book is 4ankhs. I was given a free copy from the publisher. 

K. Akua Gray
October 3, 2020
Houston, TX

You are welcome to use my affiliate link to order your copy of Intermittent Fasting For Women: Guidance And Meal Plans To Reset Your Metabolism And Lose Weight By Lori Russell at a great discount price.  Thank you for your support. 

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