Thursday, September 16, 2021

BOOK REVIEW [Yin Yoga Book by Diane R. Paylor]


It’s been a minute since I wrote a review, but I haven’t stopped reading the wonderful enlightening books that you all have been sending and sharing. I live by the words “everything in divine time” and I invite you all to share in the bliss and calm that it brings as you anticipate my review of your divine offerings to the world. So, lets get this party started again with Yin Yoga by Diane R. Paylor!

Although I have been doing yoga for more than twenty years, the words Yin Yoga together as a system had not crossed my path until the second decade of the 21st century. So, upon receiving a copy of Yin Yoga from the publisher, I was quite excited to see what this system of asanas had in store. When I first thumbed through the book, I was immediately intrigued by the many floor friendly asanas which is something I had been personally looking for in my own weekly practice of yoga. All of the yoga routines, from all of the classes, from all of the books, from all of the teachers had you up and down constantly. Seeing, the routines of all floor asanas got me very excited.

As I finished out my Kriya studies for the season, I knew I had to move into Yin Yoga next. I studied and read the book twice, its an easy read to ensure I understood the movements and asanas. A few of them were unfamiliar and had very unique names for yoga poses. Windshield wiper, happy baby, and banana-asana which turned out to be my favorite of all the twenty-five poses were special to do and say. After practicing the individual poses for a couple of weeks as an addition to my daily physical nourishment, I was ready to move into the “Balanced Sequences”! They too had very interesting names that fit quite well how Ms. Paylor arranged them. A few of the ones that intrigued my whole being and opened some intense vibrations for me were the Attitude Adjustment from Chapter 5 Energy Rising, Deep Relaxation from Chapter 6 Grounding, and Spine Saver from Chapter 7 Body Matters. I am now moving into Chapter 8 Seasonal Practices and I intend on using Yin Yoga as a guide into the coming year of my yoga journey.

Now let’s talk about the book. I love the cover with the drawing because it speaks to every woman, she has no defining characteristics except being female. This is a good neutral representation to welcome all. The choice of colors reminds me of papaya, tropical, healthy, and sweet! Great color scheme throughout the book. The author gives a brief introduction on Yin Yoga, and this is good because if you are excited about learning Yin Yoga as I was, you will appreciate her brevity. She then goes on to explain how to do each pose and offers modifications and variations to suit every yoga skill level.

I can imagine by now you know I really liked this book and have thoroughly enjoyed working through the programs weekly. My rating for Yin Yoga: Essential Poses and Sequences for Balanced Energy by Diane R. Paylor is 5 ankhs. I highly recommend it for all those who want an easy way to get into yoga and for those already doing or teaching to add this book to your resources. 

K. Akua Gray
September 16, 2021
Cape Coast, Ghana

You are welcome to use my affiliate link to order your copy of Yin Yoga By Diane R. Paylor at a great discount price.  Thank you for your support. 

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